Become Our Stockists
Become a Stockist
Please complete the contact form and create an account with us to let us know you are interested in becoming a stockist. Once submitted your application will be assessed and you will be notified by email. If approved, your account will be upgraded with wholesale discount rate in our online system.
If you have any questions about becoming a stockist, please get in touch by filling out the form and we will answer your enquiry within 48 hours.
Stockists can use any images from our social media account and website to advertise and showcase our products.
The right to retail House of Avenues is at our discretion. You agree to not sell our products on e-Commerce Marketplaces such as Zalora, Tmall, etc and their affiliated partners. We reserve the right to choose who we sell our product to in relation to online stores and locations of retail stores.
Wholesale accounts with no purchase history inside 12 months may be removed as a wholesaler.
Wholesale Accounts are excluded from Loyalty Rewards.
Commercial retail stores must operate a storefront for the main purpose of reselling products to the general public. Online stores must be a shop front website with a shopping cart and secure online payment facility. You must purchase our products for the purpose of resale. We ask that you do not sell our products at a lower RRP than House of Avenues.